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Thought Machine

Mankind has invested in machines for many centuries. From the initial labor-saving device to what has become an artificial intelligence. The world is run by machines and we have given our power apart to them. Proof of this statement is evident in the dependency of which we've on our computers and cell phones.

Tied to these realities it is difficult to conceive of a world without them, particularly for the younger generations and the children who were born into this world with no recollection or experience of a lifestyle without mobile phones.

Machines have and will have varied little minds. Long before we can make machines with human capability, we will have many machines that cannot be understood except in mental terms. Learn more about App Development Companies, Mobile App Development, and much more related to the app development company.

All of these technological advancements, when stripped down to what it truly is, becomes a life-enhancement device. A vehicle for adding to one's life. Joined with other technology, it creates a cultural environment of gadgets that are orchestrated by mankind. Men and women use these to project themselves onto the globe stage. Albeit hiding behind these changed personalities. Who lives behind these realities?

Where I am going with this is the idea that this is actually the same manifestation that has been created by mankind in the beginning. Interesting idea, you request? Consider the concept of thought and what that is as well as the function it has played in the overall evolution of the human race. We have recorded our thoughts in our minds and have transmitted them to each other through the vehicle of communication. Language passed from person to person forms a continuity of a dialogue that begun in ones own head as thoughts. Saved in the kind of written books, the thoughts live for provided that the reserve does, often superseding the person who originated it. As time goes on, perhaps a face remains and a guess as to who the person was. Their thoughts remain though.

Such as a computer plan these thoughts can travel the world, reaching all of its inhabitants. Well, not quite all. These are types whom I would like to focus on, for they are certainly in the minority. Those who have not been caught up in the western world of the last fifty years at least are at an advantage if they choose to explore the potentiality. These individuals coming into the western globe can make the juxtaposition of thoughts and the information age.

People are able to think faster than a computer does, but the tools which he or she was taught to express the thinking is limited to its creator. Each word has an association and each association brings with it an image that creates a deeper association depending upon the person's history be it cultural, educational, religious, etc. These boxes, are connected and could be viewed as personal websites. Communication between two people could become seen as websites interacting with each various other. As they do details is passed back and forth. Sometimes one challenges it and then it branches out into another internet site. All of it creating a complex dialogue of interconnected websites.

On the surface it may appear that ıdeas and their expressions are infinite but in truth, like the borders of a website, they are not. The parameters are there and if not really seen for what they are then thoughts will forever be a machine that runs in your mind and entangles with your emotions and causes a third entity which provided the tumultuous tendencies of feelings and mental entanglements either within oneself or with another person will cause disharmonies or disease within the body. The body is the resting place for thoughts. Consider that for a moment, and thank your body, or apologise to it.

Machines play out programs, as I've said before. Thoughts play out applications too. What stops a machine? Who has the power to stop thoughts? There was something smarter that created the machine or the computer. There is definitely something wiser that allows the thoughts to run amok in the mind.

By observing thoughts as machines, you are afforded the opportunity to see them from the limited perception that they genuinely have. People get lost in their thoughts because they do not understand their background nor their origin. By relabeling your thoughts into something other than what they are conventionally believed as allows for brand-new light to end up being shone upon them.

At that moment you can ask yourself, do I want to place my cellular phone aside and spend time with what is most important to me, or do I wish to continue scanning through the public media page that I have been on for the past half hour? Are your ideas any numerous? This is your choice; it really is your limited period here. Choose how you spend it smartly. End up being the master of your mind, not its slave.

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