Learning how to do something takes a lot of time. It may take you less time than the next person, but it will still take time. The important thing is to have a plan of action. Planning an essay is easier when you have a word count. For example a 1m500 word essay: 250 words introduction 300 terms main point one, 300, main point two, 300 main points three, 100 words either spare or to connect these together before, 250 words conclusion. Simply completed you break your essay down into several sections.
I actually used a science project I got a good mark for as the basic structure for my essays at masters' level. The science project was written when I was 14/15 nonetheless it had a very clear workable structure.
These are all different in the way that they are written as well as their objective. Each is unique in its own way. For more information related to Assignments please visit the website. Read more here - Best Essay Writing Service, Online Assignment help.
The key points you need to have for an excellent essay are an introduction and summary and the core points/arguments.
I'll use the example of 'Who were the Normans?' as it is a subject I am currently researching.
The introduction:
This has no references usually, well the intro can if it includes a quote or historical date or studies, etc., but all in all, it should be limited. The introduction is where you say what you are going to be writing about. (see my opening, it's a quote referencing the author, and then a statement of what I am going to do). Keep it short and to the point.
EXAMPLE: The Normans had been a cultural group from what is now northern France. Many think of them as French but they came from Scandinavia. Does this make them French or Viking as an ethnic group, especially during the 1066 invasion of England?
Optional addition Background paragraph/chapter/section:
In a longer essay, or dissertation, you may want to add in some very specific background. For shorter essays this can be placed in the introduction. (that would be the bit above where I state the example I will use)
EXAMPLE: The Normans occupied the lands of Normandy in northern France. Rollo their leader was granted this area as a duchy buy the king of the Franks.
Argument/core point 1:
This section should be a third of the main bulk of your essay (see the numbers a gave above for a rough breakdown). This is either your argument for the primary question or the main reason for its truth. Use examples to back up your factors with references. Also, be very clear when it is your bottom line/idea, or an author's conclusion/idea. Try to keep on track and don't include too much dissenting opinion. This should be a fairly mainstream argument for the proposal or truth of the original assertion leave the quirky stuff till later (do mention you will be talking about it later though) that you will discover in the section a little further down.
EXAMPLE: The Normans were clearly Vikings look where they originated from X, Y and Z says this in their books. They spent time-fighting the Franks (French) through the Norman expansion (reference A) so how could they be considered French?
Argument/core point 2:
This is exactly the same as your last section apart from being the complete opposite point of view. Again reference works and keep the ideas fairly mainstream. You can hint at which idea you prefer but reinforce that this is the history and arguments of others rather than your ideas (although you should include some). Hint at ideas you have hit on such as the quirky suggestions that I mentioned above and will expand upon below.
EXAMPLE: The Normans had been clearly French look how long they were in France before 1066 and the amount of intermarriage with the locals (reference B). Look at their use of horses (picture of Bayeux tapestry) the Vikings fought on foot like the Saxons.
Argument/core point section 3:
This section is slightly different. That is almost a mini conclusion. Use this area to talk about the ideas that you have come across that are further out from the primary crowd that you should have mentioned above. That would be those quirky ideas I have talked about. You need these to show you have read around the subject and understand more than the mainstream points. If you throw them away to early then the marker may decide that you are on a rant with lots of bias and that may set them against you causing distrust. This section should have more of your own ideas in. Whilst you will have put in opinions in the over sections this is where you should really shine. Things like picking a badly researched or thought out article and shredding it go in here. You ought to be hinting at your summary near the end of this section.
EXAMPLE: They were neither French nor Viking although the Brythonic settlement of northern France got left a different genetic make-up in the area (reference C). France is often split into north and south with unique language change between the two (reference D). They weren't French because France didn't exist and they weren't Vikings as that is a verb plus they had stopped Viking. if you appear at their genetic make-up these were actually exactly like the Saxons so it's actually a civil war (reference crazy man F).
The conclusion:
This should be considered a rough mirror of the launch in size and subject. It has no references generally, well the conclusion can do if it offers a quote or historic date or research etc., but overall it must be limited. The conclusion is where you state what you have written about in the essay and what it means. (see my introduction, it's a near mirror of the paragraph, and a declaration of what I am have done). Keep it short and also to the point. I've now shown you how to plan an essay.
EXAMPLE: We have seen above that there is strong evidence for both sides of this debate. A middle ground is likely the correct interpretation. The Viking raiders under Rollo had acquired a lot in common with the initial Saxon tribes due to the areas they originally migrated from. The Brithonic nature of Brittany which had a large impact upon the growing Normandy would have led to an identity French yet Brithonic in part. If we draw this together it might be suggested that they were none of the above but by the time of 1066, these were a distinct group of people.
Now structuring is only part of the battle. Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are also important. The way to do this is to use a product such as http://www.Grammarly.com. Type your practice essays into there or even throw some of your old work in there. This will highlight the areas that you need to improve on. As long as you can write obviously and structure your essay well then you are almost presently there.
Other considerations: Your subject. Don't just read the books on the booklist. read around the topic. Use connected disciplines. Say you are authoring cafe design perhaps make a point about the growing issue of back pain wand reference a medical journal to support a spot about ergonomics of chairs etc. Another concern is how to write a sentence or paragraph. The framework I used above is very similar to the way in which one would write at any structure level.